No Cate

Trump's Order May End Family Separation At The Border, But The Damage Is Done

The problem isn’t the order, the problem is that the damage is done.

For now, I’m a boy, and I’m a mama, and those seemingly contradictory truths are things I can accept about myself.

When I Realized I Was Trans, I Still Wanted To Be Mama

When I finally realized I was trans, it was after almost a year and a half of therapy, a lot of trauma, and after becoming a parent.

Kate Spade Wallet (Image credit: Joni Edelman)

Depression Doesn't Care How Much Money You Have

I am here to tell you to stop judging other people’s outsides and making value judgments on their insides. Depression doesn't care but you should!

Talk to kids about abortion as one possible outcome of pregnancy.

How To Talk To Kids About Abortion

Talk to kids about abortion as one possible outcome of pregnancy. Share reasons people might terminate their pregnancies and why choice is important.

art by Julia Green

HEY! It's MerMAY! 

Because of my love of mermaids (and my desire to share that love) I have for compiled of few of my favorites for your viewing enjoyment. The world is full of so much garbage right now, take three minutes to bask in mermay glory.

Babies can't consent. Period.

Should You Ask Your Baby For Consent To Change Their Diaper?

I’m not saying consent isn’t important. I’m just saying that a really big part of parenting is helping a small being who isn't yet capable of making important choices for themself survive to adulthood.

When you have chronic illnesses or other disabilities, looking for a job is even worse.

The Benefits Of Hiring Someone With A Chronic Illness ​

When you have chronic illnesses, looking for a job is even worse. Here's why you should consider hiring someone with a chronic illness! ​

By Ricky Wilson [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Kate Middleton To Tammy Duckworth: Redefining Postpartum? Or Just Pushing Women To Do More?

I wish that our culture valued the most vital month postpartum as a time for healing our bodies and holding our babies. Sadly, I’m not sure we ever will.
