No Cate

There are many ways to teach your son to become a feminist ally; these are just 3 of my favorites.

3 Ways To Raise Your Son To Be A Good Feminist Ally

Teach your son to become a feminist ally; these are just 3 of my favorite ways. Show him how to leverage his privilege in a patriarchal world.

We all have that One Friend. Whatever your problem is, their MLM has a fix for it.

What To Do When Your Friend Won’t Stop Trying To Sell You Things

We all have that One Friend. They found a product that they love and just can’t get enough of it. Whatever your problem is, their MLM has a fix for it.

I’d pay twice as much to move the party next door, so I could be alone, in peace, to cry.

The Heartbreaking Reason I Dread My Daughter’s Birthday

When everyone left, and the kids were asleep, I fell into bed exhausted. I stared at the ceiling thinking about why I hate this birthday.

image credit: Virgie Tovar via Instagram

Take The Cake: The Perks Of Being A Spinster

To me, being a spinster is a lot about prioritizing myself, my needs and my desires over the culture’s needs and desires for my life.

Flu season hell! Try not to die.

What To Do When You're In The 7th Circle Of Flu Season Hell

We're in flu season hell! In fact, according to, uh, science, it’s one of the worst seasons we’ve seen in the last 10 years.

Many of us older daters weren’t brought up with the idea of consent.

Dating After Widowhood: You Can Withdraw Your Consent At Any Time

Many of us older daters weren’t brought up with the idea of consent.

I want and need to save some room for myself, to know that I am worthy of a place in the world without the label of mother.

My Children Cannot Have All Of Me

I want and need to save some room for myself, to know that I am worthy of a place in the world without the label of mother.

Photo by Eric Michael on Unsplash

How The Brutal Murder of My Father-in-Law Saved My Husband's Life

There were 1,958 murders in New York that year, and my husband's father was one of them. It was a brutal homicide. My husband was only seven at the time.
