Carrie Saum


Carrie is an author, recipe creator, food lover, and feels super pumped about connecting people in her online community, With a great sense of humor, warmth, and vulnerability, Carrie brings genuine reality to the Internet, along with tasty food and slightly inappropriate jokes. After receiving her paramedic medical training, Carrie spent a decade abroad and in the U.S. in the non-profit medical sector, before venturing into the world of Ayurveda and integrated health in 2011.Carrie uses her skills mostly for good these days, and helps clients from all over the world meet their health goals. She loves spending time around the table with her young son, partner, family, and friends. She lives in Portland, Oregon.

Carrie Saum Articles

Here's how to cope with a toxic family member.

What To Do When You Have A Toxic Family Member

Do you have that ONE family member? The one that makes family gatherings risky at best and scary at worst. Here's how to cope with a toxic family member.

Yay, honoring human complexity!

6 Reasons To Embrace Being Unlikable

I didn’t realize I was a polarizing person until my late 20s. I was raised in a tradition where being liked was extremely important — pivotal, even.


#RavsRecipes: Nutella Stuffed Peanut Butter Cookies

Stuffing things is the best. I mean it. Can you think of ONE THING that is stuffed that you hate?

#RavsRecipes: Roasted Baby Turnips With Carrots And Ginger

#RavsRecipes: Roasted Baby Turnips With Carrots And Ginger

Friends. I have discovered something magical.

[My son] is not gross.

No, Party City, People Who Suffer With Food Allergies Are Not "Gross"

Party City’s food allergies ad wasn’t an innocent lapse in judgment or poor agency vetting. It was a revelation of their core values.

#RavsRecipes: Feel Better Broth

#RavsRecipes: Feel Better Broth

Sick? Don't want to drink a gallon of Nyquil? Try this!

Aaron. Image: author.

The Police Shot And Killed My Friend Aaron

The only people who paid the price for Aaron's death were his family and friends. This must stop. Police should never be above the law they have sworn to uphold. There can be no more hiding, conspiring, obstructing, or delaying swift justice for officers who do not act according to their training...

With or without the Bailey's, it's good. Trust us. (Image Credit: Thinkstock)

#RavsRecipes: Winter Warmer Latte

So, can we be (mostly) done with pumpkin spice all-the-things now? Let’s move on to something better, bolder, more festive.

Trust your life experiences. Believe yourself. Ask the questions, and be open to the answers that take you by surprise.

You Are Your Own Best Guru

On a practical level, being my own guru means that I trust myself. I can forgive myself when I make mistakes, and not get stuck in cycles of shame and despair. I can ask for help when I need it, and seek out important support like professional therapy and support when I can't get out of my own head.

We are joining the Teal Pumpkin Project again this Halloween. Photo by: Alexander Klink

The Teal Pumpkin Project: Protect Kids With Food Allergies On Halloween

As a mom to a child with profound food allergies, I get a little terrified around the holidays. We are joining the Teal Pumpkin Project this Halloween.
