breaking up

5 Warning Signs That Your Soulmate Is Becoming A Roommate

Unfortunately, it’s just not too often we see long-term couples holding hands or kissing these days. There was a time when my ex-wife and I kissed and held hands and I remember distinctly when we stopped. That was when I knew our relationship was in trouble. And these problems only get worse when the kids leave the nest and the two of you are looking at each other with the unspoken thought of “Now what?”


Seahorse Man: Flash Fiction

He thought I was mad, but in an artistic way; I thought he was horny all the time, but in an artistic way.


The First Cut Is The Deepest? Ravishly Tales Of First Love

There's something about your First Love that casts quite a spell on the psyche. So we thought we'd share our first-cuts with you.


Fiction Friday: Tell Me What To Do

The place where her shoulder blades almost met was suddenly purple, and I tasted blood, slick and tangy, against my lipstick.


It's Not Funny: Flash Fiction

“Don’t you smash that cake in my face, or I’ll never forgive you,” she said, and she never did, not really.
