divorced moms

As long as my ex and I shared a home, we were sure to fight.

Why I Considered Bird Nesting, But Decided Against It

When my ex and I decided to divorce, I was overcome with fear and sadness at the thought of living part time without my two children. Could it be possible for my soon-to-be ex and I to remain in the same home for the sake of parenting our kids even though we couldn’t stand the sight of one another?

You're not alone after a divorce, your support life is just going through upgrades.

5 Ways To Find Support If You Are Newly Single 

There are so many emotions that come with divorce: excitement, dread, a sense of loss. Someone newly single can easily feel overwhelmed, scared, relieved, and the list goes on and on. It's overwhelming just to consider the emotions, let alone deal with them! So where do you go to find help and support?

 It becomes a nasty mess because the people involved choose to let it become nastier than a divorce typically already is.

The Crazy Ex Competition: My Ex Is Crazier Than Your Ex!

What is it about this “crazy ex” phenomenon? Are that many people really plagued by vindictive trouble makers and stalkers who were once their partners and lovers? Is having a crazy ex some sort of status symbol like owning the new iPhone 7? Is it possible to divorce without also having a “crazy ex?"
