Independence Day

The liberation of Black Americans from physical chains is deeply intertwined with the modern chains of today.

The Importance Of Teaching My Son About Juneteenth In Trump's America

By educating my son on Juneteenth, I am able to make it clear to him that we may live in a nation that wasn’t established with us in mind, but we continue to find freedom anyway.


Watch Fireworks in a Way You've Never Seen Them Before: Drone Style

We've got to say this is a brilliant use for a flying camera.


Ravishly Mixtape Vol. 10—Unleash Your Independence!

We made you a mixtape of songs that capture our independence.


Why It's Time to Ditch Betsy Ross

The myth surrounding this Revolutionary War figure might be the lamest in history.


5 Most Awkward Fourth of July Films

The self-celebratory holiday sort of lends itself to strange movie-making, and Hollywood has happily obliged.
