A woman’s sexuality, especially a fat woman’s sexuality makes some people feel extremely uncomfortable, so they try to erase fat sexuality.
Read...I came to realize that even though I was certainly a bona fide member, that some fat people were far more acutely marginalized than me.
Read...Every strong woman needs a playlist to play while having sex. She needs a compilation of her empowering badassery to put her in the mood and keep her there.
Read...I got my first period when I was ten. I was at a family friend’s house. I went to the bathroom and there it was, staring back at me. Thankfully I had already been taught about ‘what to expect’ when it happened. So a short while later when we arrived home, I calmly told my mum and she showed me where she kept the pads and tampons. That was that.
It wasn’t long before boobs, cramps and hair in foreign places followed.
Read...I want to find a way to critique the sexualization of girls that doesn’t include adding to it, and I think this is possible. It just involves being really honest — with ourselves as well as with our kids — and thinking carefully about what we’re feeling, what we’re saying, and what our kids are hearing.
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