Gigi Engle

Gigi Engle


Gigi Engle is a writer, feminist activist and dick whisperer living in New York City. She is the sex and relationships writer for Thrillist and formerly Elite Daily. A former party girl she now enjoys reading, traveling and writing dirty, sexy things on the internet. Gigi is represented by DeFiore literary agency.

Gigi Engle Articles

DIY sex toys are NOT a good idea.

Attention Everyone: There Is A Reason Sex Toys Are NOT DIY

Attention everyone: DIY sex toys are NOT a good idea. Here’s why.

What's a poor guy to do in this mean, Feminist world? (Image Credit: Thinkstock)

Dear Entitled Dudes, Here's How To Get A Lady

You guys have a lot of trouble dating these days, now that women have this silly notion in their marble-sized brains that they should maybe want to be treated like equals to you. HOW RIDICULOUS. EW! Luckily, you can work around these ideals. Women aren’t really smart enough to comprehend them anyway, you know?


I'm Into Vanilla Sex — Why Does That Make Me Weird?

Honestly, I’d say about 90% of the sex I have in my long-term monogamous relationship is “vanilla.” We are, believe it or not, a normal couple who does normal sex things just like anyone else. We are two people who know what the other likes and we do those things.

"You’re a worthy challenge and you know that. You set the stakes high, bolt the gate, and wait for the person who is up to the task."

Why Being Guarded In A Relationship Is Actually A Good Thing

There is no shame in being guarded. There is nothing wrong with it. You do not have to work tirelessly in therapy to break down your natural inclination towards self-preservation in order to find a romantic partner.

A guy stops being a fuckboy once his priorities change.

Why All Dudes Are F*!kboys Until They Aren't Anymore

You can’t change a fuckboy.

Here’s the absolute truth: you cannot change a fuckboy unless he wants to change by himself. This is where girls get messed up. They think that a guy is going to change his crappy behavior for HER. This is not the case 99.9% of the time. If he’s a fuckboy, he’s not ready to stop being one. It doesn’t matter how great you are or how much you love him. Trust me.

He has to make that decision for himself.

To be self-aware is to understand that what you say and do affects people — and to have that fact matter to you.

Why Self Awareness Is The Most Attractive Quality 

Forget a hot bod! I just want someone who knows himself.

It is not a woman’s job to carry the weight of the male ego.

Are Men Seriously Still That Threatened By Smart Women? (Yes?)

Men will say they want a smart woman, of course, but the moment they are faced with one; the moment a woman challenges him, or god forbid, proves him wrong, she becomes “hard to deal with,” “too intense” or “crazy.”

image credit: Jenni Berrett

Cunnilingus 101: 4 Tips For EVERYONE (Ahem, Guys)

The vagina is as magical and beautiful as a unicorn gallivanting through a sea of daisies on a warm spring day. Therefore, the vagina should be treated as a magical and beautiful creature: with care love and endless devotion.

Get to know Ravishly's resident sexpert, Gigi Engle.

#RavsWriters: Gigi Engle - Sex Writer, Grateful Deadhead, Well-Adjusted Middle Child

Welcome to #RavsWriters, an opportunity for you to get to know some of the outstanding human beings who fervently type to make Ravishly the aw

relaxed, smiling woman

What Happens To Your Sex Life When You Get Sober

Sobriety has been a wild ride, but my sex life has been a R-I-D-E. Read...