Gigi Engle
Gigi Engle Articles
Finding love actually doesn’t begin when you find the right person. It begins when you love yourself. Being single may be scary and all, but it’s going to help you find “the one” faster than jumping from person to person. If you don’t know how to stand on your own, how can you expect to know what a partnership looks like?
Read...I have accumulated plenty of sex tips for fellow uncoordinated people. Embrace your quirks so everyone can get off! Here are seven of my absolute favorite, tried and true ways to keep sex fun and simple.
Read...I’m a pretty confident lady, and yet, I would never date someone who stayed close friends with their ex. I just wouldn’t.
Read...It’s no secret that sex ed is a mess.
Read...Sex can be super hot, but it should also be fun! It doesn’t need to be so serious all the time. Let's say sayonara, sex shame! I am so over you. Here are nine silly mistakes you shouldn’t be afraid to make in bed.
Read...I feel absolutely zero shame or embarrassment saying I am one hell of a badass bitch. I’m sure of myself and I know who I am. What many who know me don’t know is that when it comes to sex, I am a submissive. And there ain’t nothing wrong with that, honey.
Read...Some ideas seem like a good time in the moment, but when it comes to sexual health, Rule Number One: If it's not made for the vagina, it's gotta stay out.
Read...An open letter to that guy at the gym who wants everyone to hear him grunting.
Read...If we stopped buying into the idea that it takes a relationship to be whole, we’d all be better people. I'm happy I'm single!
Read...Honestly, I’d say about 90% of the sex I have in my long-term monogamous relationship is “vanilla.” We are, believe it or not, a normal couple who does normal sex things just like anyone else. We are two people who know what the other likes and we do those things.