
Quote of the Day: Biden Says "Inhumanity is Inhumanity is Inhumanity," Slams Homophobes

Fist pumps for our rad VP, Joe Biden, and his gay marriage-loving ways.


Older Moms Just Might Live Forever, Muahaha!

Women who have children later in life are more likely to live longer. Time to tell your internal clock to cool it on the ticking.


Sorry Sitcom Fans, But You Apparently Hate Love

New research reveals a correlation between sitcom-watching and romantic cynicism.


R. Kelly Speaks Out About Transgender Son

R. Kelly's 13-year-old kid has come out as a trans boy. How does dad feel . . . and how are other families handling similar situations?


It's Official: Study Confirms Casual Sex Can be Amazing

People who like casual sex aren't actually deranged freaks. Is it time to stop judging no-strings-attached lovers?


Sexy Mugshot Has Us Hot and Bothered—and We Hate Ourselves for It

A smouldering mugshot of foxy criminal Jeremy Meeks has lit up the web. Is this fervor for a felon morally excusable?


Teddy Love: The Stuffed Animal Sex Toy of our Worst Nightmares

Teddy Love is a stuffed toy with a magic tongue. So not OK.


Anonymous Letter Found at SFO is Heartbreaking, Heroic

Internet hoax or heart-wrenching gem? Who cares—the self-love message is worth the (possible) self-delusion.
