A girl never forgets her first time in Topshop. (Age 16. London. August 2005.) Previously holed away across the pond in England, the fashion retailer made its way to the states back in 2009. Given the rough economy at the time, Topshop's wild U.S. success earned it—as Barney Stinson would put it—legend(wait for it!)ary status.
But apparently, Topshop wasn't aesthetically pleasing enough. So . . . enter fashion's latest It duo, Kendall and Kylie Jenner. Though the teens first turned heads merely for being the half sisters of Kim Kardashian, they have more than proven their style street cred. Upping this ante more so, they have confirmed that they will design a line for Topshop this summer.
Now, most of this is under wraps—but we expect great things. If you're feeling skeptical, look no further than their PacSun line (yup, you read that correctly).
Next stop for the Jenner sisters: complete and utter world domination?
React to that scenario as you will . . .