The Latest Non-Sexual Use for a Sex Doll? Car Spokesmodel

Recently, we chatted with Bronwen Keller, one of the leading women behind the sex dolls company, Sinthetics. Keller taught us that people use sex dolls for many reasons—and not always surrounding sex. But even she may be surprised by this.

In the UK, an eBay user named Angus Dean needed to sell his 1990 Volkswagen Golf. Rather than obtaining a buxom blond to prance around the old car, Dean borrowed a sex doll to get eyes on his vehicle. Covered from neck to toe, it's clear that this sex doll had one job only: show off the car.

And that she did. Not only did the pictures accumulate a bevy of attention for Dean, but using a doll eliminated the hassle of asking a real person to do the same task. Which honestly makes a lot of sense. I mean, can you imagine how many takes he'd need with a real person?

Plus, as my dad—and almost every father on the planet—has always said, "no woman in my family has ever liked a photo of herself." Unless she's a professional (which, hello, costs money). So Dean lucked out!

Our only question: who sells a car on eBay?

Images: eBay

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