Climate change may be merrily melting ice caps, raising sea levels, generally screwing with weather systems and messing up a slew of other natural phenomena—but volcanoes are downright unfuckable. A feature of consistency in our otherwise-changing earth, volcanoes are going to keep cranking out gas and lava from deep inside the earth at their pleasure, thankyouverymuch.
Here’s a breathtaking reminder of that ever-reliable part of geology. In this stunning time-lapse video, photographer QT Luong shows volcanic activity in a “sea-to-summit” project on Hawaii's Big Island and Maui. If you’re like me, the notion of molten lava dripping into crashing waves is sort of dumbfounding—and awesome. This, and many other wondrous scenes await you (did I mention the majestic starry night sky?) in the admittedly underwhelmingly-titled, “Hawaii Volcanoes.”
Hawaii Volcanoes from QT Luong on Vimeo.
Image: Vimeo screenshot.