As a lifelong Jenny Lewis fan (I’m talking Troop Beverly Hills and Big Girls Don’t Cry…They Get Even), I’ve been waiting for the arrival of her new album, The Voyager, with baited breath.
So, needless to say, I was stoked to see that her new video for “Just One Of The Guys” is making waves on the intrawebs this morning. While the chatter might not necessarily be all about Lewis and her new album, the Internet is a buzz, a twitter, a talkin’. Let’s just say Lewis knows what she's doing. This isn’t her first trip to the “let’s-create-buzz-to-promote-my-album” rodeo.
Lewis tapped two of the most famous people in the world (a.k.a. cowgirl Kristen Stewart and arguable-racist Anne Hathaway) and one future most famous person in the world (Brie Larson) and put them in drag. They spit, they itch their crotch, they pee in a group, they mildly resemble Justin Bieber (I’m looking at you, Stewart). They wear monochrome Adidas track suits, porn staches, rat tails and attempt break dancing. Silliness ensues!
The whole things raises some interesting questions about gender, especially when Lewis croons:
There's only one difference between you & me
When I look at myself all I can see,
I'm just another lady without a baby
It's unclear what Lewis' agenda is with the gender-bending video—Make a point about exaggerated gender norms? Comment on how women are viewed unfairly by society?—but it's definitely effective in opening up the gender conversation at the crux of her catchy ditty.
And Now, About Those Suits . . .
Yet while the drag is what people are mostly talking about, we also couldn't enough of those white suits. As members of Lewis’ sexy/sultry girl brand, Hathaway, Stewart and Larson wear some of the crispest, perfectly-cut, white suits I’ve seen in in years. Ladies, let’s get on this trend. It’s badass.
I did something I do best—a quick Internet shop—and discovered some options. For Stewart’s nautical double breasted version, pick up Ralph Lauren’s Colette Naval Jacket. To achieve Hathaway’s more fitted, slightly shrunken look, go with Milly’s Cropped Blazer. And finally, for something a little more relaxed a la Brie Larson, stick with this (wallet-friendly) blazer from Chicwish.
Unfortunately, keytar and badass affect are not included.
Images: Youtube