Awkward workout videos are pretty much a staple of infomercial land. Some are fun (hello Hula workout!) Others make me hate/love Jillian Michaels with an intensity usually only found in novels by the Brontë sisters. At the end of the day, laughing at them is spitefully enjoyable. Plus, they give us newly toned abs (OK, fine, thanks Jillian).
So it is without enthusiasm that we announce an amazing male parody workout video: "The Fungo Brothers," starring Jimmy Fallon and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.
In a move that tops the (amazingly real) Shake Weight motion, Fallon and Johnson get down and dirty. Really down and dirty. We can't give away the awesomeness of it, but let's just say that this device works the inner thigh muscles. And, better yet, Fallon can't quite complete the reps. In a moment of utter hilarity, Johnson seems perfectly comfortable while Fallon does his best to work through them. Oh, and did we mention they're wearing wigs?
Before the video clip, Fallon interviews Johnson. In a hurry? Skip to 1:06 to dive right into the epic-ness.
Image: Courtesy of, The Tonight Show's YouTube channel