Sex Toy Jewelry? Yes, Please

Leather handcuff bracelet (Credit: Crave)

Leather handcuff bracelet (Credit: Crave)

Sometimes women's sex toy concepts can be a bit, shall we say, misguided (we're lookin' at you, Teddy Love). Other times, they can be flat-out brilliant.

Count Crave's sleek vibrators in the latter camp.

This company's stunning vibrators could easily pass for perfume cases. Even better, they're quiet—no defunct-lawn-mower noises here. The company has even been celebrated by big shots like ForbesDroplets of joy (Credit: Crave)

In particular, Crave's jewelry line has caught our eye. That's right—the company makes sex toys that double as classy necklaces and bracelets. Take the Vesper necklace, which is technically a small vibrator on a chain but looks like something you'd find in the jewelry case of any big-name department store. Also available: leather handcuffs that double as a bracelet, and a droplet necklace with—wait for it!—two vibrators for your clit or nipples.

Technically, the designs could be worn solely as jewelry and never used for naughty purposes. But let's be real: Most women will buy these for the sexy good times. It's little wonder that Crave's site describes both the "public" and "private" aspects of these pieces.

We have to admit, there is something alluring about the idea of jewelry leading a double life—of something intimate making such a sly public appearance. How many will compliment your vibrator necklace, not knowing what it really is? Who else will understand its true use? The jewelry line assigns function to art, while retaining enough wink-sink coyness to keep things interesting.

Plus, as far as sex toy innovation goes, this is hardly as weird as it gets.

Sex Toy Jewelry is Just the Beginning

Think sexy jewelry is weird? Then you clearly haven't spent much time in the trenches of the Internet. For the sake of my own sanity, I can't delve into Teddy Love again. But there are plenty of other bizarre or outright disturbing sex toys on the market. Take the Hello Kitty Pocket Rocket, a pink vibrator with Hello Kitty and a waving teddy bear friend on top (seriously folks, you can't make this stuff up). Or the Baby Bug vibrator, which looks like a Glow Worm sans doll face. Shudder.

Granted there are far more upsetting designs, but I'll spare you the details. The point is, sex toys can be re-imagined in any number of ways. As far as these things go, Crave's interpretation is downright elegant.

As for the Hello Kitty vibrator . . .  I was told it's out of stock.


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