You know the development team over at MTV’s True Life series had to dig deep (by which we mean they walked outside their L.A. studios for five minutes) to find a 19-year-old woman who:
1. Not only thinks 19 is the time to start preserving her youth. . .
2. Decided bathing in pigs’ blood is the way to do it.
Forget Sephora, this woman is going straight to the Piggly Wiggly! And Frangela’s take on this bloody-beauty queen explains all the gory details.
Frances Callier and Angela V. Shelton are real life best friends, pop-cultural pundits extraordinaire and America's back-up and black-up. You've seen them in He's Just Not That Into You, Hulu's Quickdraw & AXS TV's MOCKpocalypse. Follow them on Twitter and FB at Frangela Duo.
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