Author Profile
Jenni Berrett is a writer, reader, bubble bath enthusiast, and the features editor at Ravishly. Her writing has appeared on HelloGiggles, GOOD Magazine, Lush Cosmetics, and Doll Hospital Journal. She writes a mental health column on Ravishly called OCDame, and sometimes she writes about astrology too. She can usually be found reading a fantasy novel or trying to stop her cat from knocking various clutter off overflowing bookshelves. She is rarely successful.
Jenni Jenni Articles
For a long time, I kept a mental list of things that I’d do once I was “better.” I yearned for a sound mind and a thin body — two things I was not born with but figured I could somehow earn. Once I had those two things, I could do anything I wanted.
Although the IEP meeting had good intentions to help me, it led me down a path of low self esteem and a lot of self doubt.
Trust your instincts. You are the expert when it comes to your child. Don’t be afraid to speak up, to stand your ground, to share what works at and what doesn’t. Your input is valuable.
We learned early on that the kids would need some adjustments made to their lives outside of school in order for them to survive the world amongst the neurotypical.
The education system isn’t designed for students like me. From as early as preschool up through my master’s degree, I struggled in a traditional classroom setting for a few reasons, and needed to adapt my own methods of surviving education.
We need to stop trying to be perfect. I know better than most that it is much, much easier said than done.
"I'm hoping that it goes beyond saying a new set of names and actually really changing how we think about everything in this conversation, both in the conversations around policing and racial profiling and the silent mass incarceration, but also in the conversations we have about violence against women."
Even if I have no plans to leave the house — or if I had plans to leave the house and got to anxious to follow through with them — I find a great deal of power in the simple act of painting my face and commemorating the ritual with a selfie.
Before Instagram body positivity (actually before Instagram, period), there was tumblr body positivity. I was lucky enough to take a different turn within tumblr’s maze of angst and anguish: body positivity.
Sean Spicer has resigned as White House Press Secretary, much to the dismay of Literally No One.