Brittany L. Stalsburg

Brittany L. Stalsburg


Brittany L. Stalsburg is the creator of the feminist blog Women Want To Be On Top and the photo-journalism project Women of the World. She writes about gender issues, politics, relationships, and travel. When not writing, Brittany is running her market research & communications strategy business, BLS Research & Consulting, based in Connecticut. Brittany holds a PhD in political science from Rutgers University.

Brittany L. Stalsburg Articles

Our role, as an abortion doula, is to help make the experience one that is filled with compassion and kindness.

What It’s Like To Be An Abortion Doula​

What exactly does an abortion doula do? Our role is to help make the experience one that is filled with compassion and kindness.

To be shamed while pregnant is so upsetting.

What It's Like To Be Shamed While Pregnant

I’m not even a mother yet, but I’ve never felt as disparaged in my life as I do now, as a pregnant mom-to-be. To be shamed while pregnant is so upsetting.

The crack of the whip on flesh is a sound I won’t easily forget. (image courtesy of the author)

I Attended A Whipping Ceremony In Ethiopia

I walked with my husband and our guide into the whipping ceremony. I knew what I was about to see, but I was woefully unprepared for how I would feel.
