Dr. Tina Schermer-Sellers
In the area of sexuality, I have spent a career helping people discover the spiritual side of sexuality, and what culture has failed to teach them about their bodies, their hearts, theircapacity for intimacy and their erotic potential.
I believe each person is created beloved and comes into this world hard wired for intimacy and pleasure. We see this in the nature of infants seeking the comfort of their mother's breast and arms. We even see this at the end of life in Alzheimers units ... people never stop seeking pleasure and deep human connection. Unfortunately most people grew up inhomes that were silent and shame filled around sex. Their families and culture never taught them about the beauty and complexity within sexuality and relationships ... or the artful skillset needed to live fully into the sacred erotic experience of a deeply connected relationship.
In our fast paced culture with all that pulls marriages apart – where are couples taught the skills needed to cultivate loving passion over time? Have you been taught how to integrate your heart’s desire for connection, your body’s desire for pleasure and your soul’s desire for healing?
In addition to speaking nationally and internationally, teaching and counseling, I run 3 1/2 daycouples intimacy retreats at a sensual resort in Seattle, introducing couples to the spiritual side of intimacy. I specialize in helping individuals and couples discover what they were created to know about their belovedness, their sexual desire, the spirituality of loving deeply, and the skills needed to do this with wild abandon.
You can find Dr.
Tina Schermer-Sellers at http://tinaschermersellers.com/
Dr. Tina Schermer-Sellers Articles
Here's a tip, find your inner racy teenager and add some thrill by laying on a juicy kiss at a park or restaurant.