Elizabeth King

Elizabeth King


Elizabeth is a writer, dog-lover, feminist, and ice cream enthusiast based in Chicago, IL. You can see more of her work at www.elizabethcking.com.

Elizabeth King Articles

There is an after.

6 Tips For Self-Care After Leaving An Abusive Relationship

Self-care is an important practice for everyone to incorporate into their lives. But at certain times, we may need a little extra TLC. Anyone who has experienced trauma in a relationship will attest to the fact that emotionally and psychologically recovering from any form of abuse is a tough road and it is vital to treat yourself with extra kindness.

"Throw me in a unisex T-shirt and some Hanes boxer briefs and I feel like . . . myself."

How I Came To Embrace My Tomboy Style

When I was a kid, my idol was Peter Pan. During these years, I can’t say that I wanted to be a boy, but I was infatuated with the idea of being Peter Pan. My mother will quickly tell you that the only time I relished wearing girly clothes was when I got to wear a white and blue gingham dress like my other hero, Dorothy.

I wish we had started going sooner instead of waiting for everything to implode.

So You Want To Go To Couple's Therapy? Here Are 5 Tips.

A few years ago, my boyfriend of two years and I went to couple's therapy. To say our relationship was falling apart would have been an understatement.

Marriage just isn't my thing

I Don't Want To Get Married, But I DO Want A Life Partner

When I hit college and had my first university beau, I was very interested in marriage. I'd even say I was desperate to get engaged and marry my boyfriend at the time. Not so much because I was invested in the idea of marriage per se; my boyfriend at that time was actually a complete jerk, but I thought our potential wedding would mark the day he turned around.

Too literal, guys.

The New Rules Of Dating: Everything From Sex To Ghosting

I am a long-time serial monogamist. At 27, I’ve had three serious relationships, but have never just dated. I’ve always just had significant others as an adult, and now, being single for a sustained period of time for the first time since high school, I’m finally entering the dating world. And I don’t have any idea what I’m doing.

Image: Flickr

Why I Dumped Tampons For The Diva Cup And Never Looked Back

Whenever I rave about menstrual cups (which is kind of frequently), there are always some people who say that they think cups are gross, or that they’re uncomfortable putting their hands in their vagina to insert the cup and take it out.


Empowering Things To Say To Young Girls That Have Nothing To Do With Their Looks

Compliments given to girls often center on their looks and little if anything else. Hearing about looks more than other aspects can leave the nuances of women’s individuality unacknowledged and underappreciated.

Surprise! They're not always right.

How Tarot Cards Gave Me The Excuse To Stay In A Bad Relationship

"There's a young man in your life, he has dark hair and he's very important to you." The tarot card reader glanced up at me with her chin still pointed down toward the cards. "Yes," I said. "Yes there is." My heart began beating faster in my chest.
