Gina RIch

Gina RIch


Gina Rich lives in the Midwest with her husband, their two daughters, and two opinionated guinea pigs. She shares caffeinated ramblings about motherhood, health, and family on her blog, 

Gina RIch Articles

Here are a few ways we can help kids develop a healthy body image.

We Need To Talk About Body Image With Our Kids Early And Often​

The media and the fashion industry overwhelmingly continue to promote a body type that’s not realistic. We need to talk to about body image with our kids.

I’m beginning to have mixed feelings about coloring my hair.

To Gray Or Not To Gray? On Hair Dye And Aging

There is a distinct moment in each woman’s life when gray hair and the associated reality of aging make its first unwelcome appearance.


Having A Baby In The NICU Shattered My Beliefs About Control

Having a premature birth destroyed my long-held conviction that health problems are largely preventable or at least explainable, Read...
The implications of heightism, height prejudice, are broad and troubling.

On Heightism: My Child Is More Than Adorable

Heightism. It sounds like a politically correct buzzword, but it’s a real prejudice. The implications of height prejudice are broad and troubling.
