Grace de Rond

Grace de Rond
Grace de Rond is a relationships coach and author of Grace Notes: A Manual for Partnering. She and her husband, Ron (who's an MD turned boardroom coach), wrote the book initially as a workbook for their Conscious Living Program. Grace is American and Ron’s from Amsterdam, both with decades of experience in the mind-body-spirit connection. They met when he saw her photo and then traveled 4,000 miles to find her. Grace also writes about relationships for The Huffington Post. You can connect with her at
Grace de Rond Articles
Shoulding on our partners will not fill our needs. So these statements won’t help: “You should come home when you say you will!” “You should stop spending all our money!” “You should pay attention to what I say!” “You should treat me better!”
Read...Is divorce the answer? Maybe. Sometimes.
Read...We’re constantly training people how to treat us through our response to what they do. If we show them that a certain word or look will get a consistent reaction from us, we’re teaching them to use that word or look whenever they want that reaction from us.