Hilary Lauren Jastram
Hilary Lauren Jastram Articles
Regardless of how close you may feel with your love, until you and your partner have gone through these seven major events, you are circling the periphery of really learning each other.
Read...Bottom line: extorting your partner to behave doesn’t change their cheating behavior.
Read...Four methods to get healing.
Read...You might not know the truth even as you’re living it. Each day passes into the next and you remain oblivious, always living and trying your hardest with the kernel of fear in your heart. Maybe you’ve gotten used to ignoring it, this dread as it picks at you, boring into you.
Read...Forget everything you ever learned about sex. Whether perched stiffly in the classroom as your teacher prattled on about the finer points of copulation, listening incredulously to the stories your friends told in adolescence, or gleaning inferences from novels, television shows, or movies. There’s only one secret to fireworks in the bedroom.