Justin Dennis

Justin Dennis


Justin Dennis is a gender non-binary transwoman, author of several young adult novels, and avid YouTube vlogger. She received her BA from Whittier College in Writing Worlds, a combination of Creative Writing and Anthropology focused on realistic fictional world building. She's a loud and proud feminist who hopes to make the world a better place for everyone. Get in touch with her at JustinDennis.com, on Twitter @JustinDennis4, or on her YouTube channel.

Justin Dennis Articles

Justin Dennis

For Pride Week: How Many Genders Are There?

An outstanding video from writer/vlogger Justin Dennis, discussing gender

Your host, Justin Dennis

What Is Fat Shaming? A Video From Justin Dennis

Fat shaming is the worst. Shaming pretty much anything is the worst, really, but some people seem to think that fatness is exempt from that idea.


Is It OK For Men To Be Feminine?

Gender gets tricky, what with it being a social construct and all.
