Kelly Davio

Kelly Davio


Kelly Davio is an editor of Tahoma Literary Review and a freelance writer in the Seattle area. She writes the column “The Waiting Room” for The Butter, contributes regularly to publications like Women’s Review of Books. She writes about lifestyle, beauty, books, women’s issues, illness, and disability. 

Kelly Davio Articles

Beef jerky factors into this story. Read on.

House Hunters International Lied To Us: The Reality of International Realty 

I knew that House Hunters family of shows had been accused of being entirely staged, but still, I had hopes that the two of us would find our own plucky agent who’d supply us with wonderful apartments to choose from, then we’d calmly, collaboratively pick one while sipping ale at a local pub.


5 Things Every Germ-Conscious Woman Needs in Her Purse 

Unfortunately, public restroom soap is a bacterial nightmare. It’s so filthy, in fact, that a recent study found that a quarter of all public soap pumps are so contaminated with fecal bacteria that washing with their contents leaves your hands more germy than if you didn’t wash at all.


One Woman, 4 Fake Tans And Why You May Want To Skip That Bottled Bronze

If you’re like me (which is to say stark white), you may find yourself looking to warm up your retina-searing paleness before hitting the beach. It’s a public service, really. Think of the children!


I Tried Going Shampoo-Free (So You Don’t Have To)

I’ve been on a largely fruitless quest for good hair all my life. I’ve got thin, baby-fine, straight-as-a-nail hair that’s somehow both oily and prone to frizziness at the same time. Years of abusing my hair with heat and dyes didn’t help the state of affairs, either. So when I heard that women were cutting back on or even foregoing shampoo altogether and getting dream-worthy hair, I was game to give the shampoo-free lifestyle a try.


5 Things You Need To Know About Sunscreen

We’re here to help you sort through the fact, fiction, and marketing jargon behind your summer sunblock.

Steroids are powerhouses when it comes to combating a range of medical issues, but steroids change your face.

5 Ways Steroids Change Your Face (And What To Do About It)

Steroids are powerhouses when it comes to combating a range of medical issues, but the physical changes can be extreme. Steroids change your face.

This can be you!

The Chronically Sick Girl’s Guide To Holiday Party Survival

The holidays aren’t easy on anybody, but if you’re among the millions of US women who live with one or more chronic illnesses, you may find the social obligations this time of year more draining and dismal than merry and bright.

Time flies, right?

3 Things You Need To Know Before Applying To College

College application season is nearly upon us and it’s an exciting a time for high school seniors, as well as a nerve-wracking time for parents. You've no doubt you’ve gone through your budget, talked about majors and programs, maybe visited a few campuses with your kid.

One person's 'plus size' is another person's 'perfect size.'

I Went From My Ideal Weight To Plus Size In Five Minutes

In my late 20s, a neuromuscular disease affected my ability to swallow normally, and I couldn’t eat enough to maintain a healthy weight. Every bite posed a choking hazard, and despite the fact that I would spend hours laboring to swallow meals, I continued to lose body mass. I was poorly nourished, and I looked it.

Wear What You Want

5 Things Women Over 30 Aren't Supposed to Wear, But Totally Should

If fashion bloggers are to be believed, the moment a woman turns 30, she undergoes a horrifying physical transformation that leaves her incapable of wearing most of what’s in her closet. So imagine my surprise when the clock struck midnight on my 29th year and I did not, in fact, sprout a pair of horns.
