Lavelle Wollam

Lavelle Wollam


Lavelle is a twenty-something who identifies as an intersex woman and is currently lacking direction in life, but happy to admit it.

Lavelle Wollam Articles

Photo by Issara Willenskomer on Unsplash

This Is What It’s Like To Be An Intersex Woman

As an intersex woman, I don’t fit into the gender binary.

I wish people understood just because we don’t fit into the gender binary, it doesn’t mean we can’t be productive and happy people. Image: Bảo-Quân Nguyễn/Unsplash.

What My Life's Been Like As An Intersex Woman

[CN: intersex discrimination.] I don’t typically tell people in my life I’m intersex unless it’s a very close friend whom I feel I can confide in, or a family member. It’s not that I’m ashamed, but I’d rather not be treated differently due to my intersex identity.
