Marcy Hogan

Marcy Hogan


Marcy Hogan is a full-time at-home unschooling mom. In her spare time she dabbles in writing, photography, and speaking out on social justice. She is based in California but is temporarily living in The Netherlands with her husband and two sons. You can find more of her writing on Medium and on her blog.

Marcy Hogan Articles

If they make a racist joke, ask them to explain why it’s funny. Say, “I don’t get it, can you explain that joke to me?”

Let's Make Thanksgiving Awkward 

These conversations are uncomfortable as hell. They can be downright depressing and demoralizing. They may lose you friends and family members. But, sometimes they lead to change, even if it’s small. And being uncomfortable is a small price to pay to help combat bigotry.

Image Credit: Tina Floeursch via Unsplash

Freedom From School: Our Unschooling Story

It’s not me teaching them, as if I’m the expert imparting knowledge unto them. We talk and look things up and explore and wonder and experiment. We learn together. I love that.
