Melissa Mazza

Melissa Mazza


Melissa is an eBusiness and communications professional living in upstate New York, who graduated with honors from Marist College with a BA in communications. She is the Fattitude the Movie Communications and Social Media specialist, and in facing her own body image struggles, holds a compassionate desire to help promote self-love, body positivity and appreciation of beauty in all forms.  Melissa is also a passionate animal rights activist, feminist, dance and art enthusiast, forever student and spiritual follower. 

Melissa Mazza Articles

Happiness comes in every size! Image: Thinkstock.

9 Months Of Fattitude: The Making Of A Body-Positive Badass

I didn’t think that my disordered, fatphobic mindset could be rewired — until, one day, I realized that that very thing had happened. Somehow the new ideas had broken through!
There is still work to be done, but by re-educating myself, making a priceless network of body-positive friends, and upgrading my media influence, I am on the right path.
