Rachel Otis

Rachel Otis


Being raised in New England, the west coast has always felt like a breath of progressive, laid-back, open-minded, fashion-forward air to my free-spirited soul, which is what drew me to California. Escaping the more cookie-cutter traditional white picket fence life, has led me on an adventurous journey toward self-love and acceptance, and ultimately body positivity! I am in Oakland, because I moved to the Bay Area for graduate school to become a licensed Somatic Psychotherapist, and after exploring different city options, I discovered that the eclectic, unique, and honest vibe of Oakland resonated with my funky spirit and style! My role in WYV as Senior Columnist is producing weekly articles on Body Positive Fashion, Fat Acceptance, and many of my other passions such as social justice, childcare, and chronic illness advocacy. Of course I'm constantly being inspired by my very diverse (fashionably and otherwise) Oakland peers, local business owners, and fat/body positive activists! Come follow my photographic adventures on my instagram: @somewhere_under_the_rainbow

Rachel Otis Articles

Tips for becoming a self-love warrior.

6 Things Chronic Illness Has Taught Me About Self Love

I learned the power of being on my own team, of understanding my mind and body as unified, and the peace of seeing meaning-making and wisdom-sharing as my ultimate place in the world. This struggle has been my greatest gift, and it is only expands with my ability to share what I've learned about self-love from having a chronic illness with our beloved readers (as well as including several self-portraits I began taking during my infusions of medication).

All photos by Elena Kulikova.



Photographer Sada Reed: @triple_f_soul

6 Resourcing Tips For A Sensitive Soul

I urge all my fellow compassionates out there to learn that when someone says to you, “You’re too sensitive,” what they’re really saying is, “I’m not sensitive enough...and neither is the world at large.” Remember, this is not a curse, it is definitely a gift –– as is being able to balance it in everyday life.
