Sadie Trombetta

Sadie Trombetta


Sadie is a freelance writer and self-proclaimed foodie hiding out in the hills of Western Massachusetts. A terrible representation of her generation's prowess of all things technology, she's most likely found hiking up one mountain or another with at least four books in her backpack. Will work in exchange for plane tickets.

Sadie Trombetta Articles

What My Parents Taught Me About Loving And Leaving—And Loving Again

Forgiveness is possible, and infidelity isn't the end of the world if you don't want it to be. I learned love is work, and it's ugly and it's messy.

Babies, pink, and feminism. Courtesy of, LibreShot

"Yes, I Can Wear Pink": 10 Things About Feminism For My Boyfriend 

Since I was a little girl I have dreamed about finding that special someone. You know, the guy who is brave enough to say those three little words: I'm a feminist.

Credit: Thinkstock

The Dangerous Dance Women Do With Numbers

Women are not only defined by percentages, averages, and statistics.
