In today's The Old Switcheroo news: This ballsy Miami lady. Who, after literally chasing a speeding police officer, actually succeeds to get Sir Speed Demon to pull over.
In the video (grand finale of a series of three), you can hear Claudia (AKA: Ballsy Miami Lady) say, "The reason I pulled you over today, and I’m asking you to come over and have a conversation, is because I saw you since Miller Drive, when you were first jumping onto the Palmetto, and you were pushing 90 miles an hour.”
To which I say, do you need some ointment for that BURN, Officer Speedy Gonzales? The officer claims he wasn't speeding and was just "on [his] way to work." Which is a lie. And I know it's hard to believe that an police-person, employed to uphold the law and do justice-y things, would ever lie. But yeah, he totally lied.
Police Director Juan Perez says, "The Miami-Dade Police Department will have the officer’s immediate command staff investigate the matter, once the officer and citizen are identified. The appropriate course of action will be taken at that point.”
The laws actually apply to everyone, Sir Speedy. That means you, too.
And Claudia, I hereby appoint you Keeper of The Highway.