Spotted in: Downtown Burlingame
Occupation: Student
What are you up to today?
I just had brunch with my parents . . . and I'm also procrastinating on some homework.
What are you studying?
I'm at USF, and I'm hoping to go into public health. I'm just starting out in undergrad right now. I'm taking an ethics class on racial politics in America—that's pretty cool.
What drew you to that field?
I don't know, I guess just living in San Francisco. I think we live in a unique city because there are a lot of communities that are underprivileged—a lot of minority communities that can't afford healthcare. But also I think we live in a city that would take more easily to liberal social policies, like needle exchange programs and subsidized health programs.
When did you first realize this was something you wanted to do?
I guess just taking Muni through the Tenderloin.
Have you done any work on the side or volunteering in the field?
I've done some volunteering in the Tenderloin for a food bank that sets up meals for people who are living with terminal diseases—a lot of them are HIV-positive.
What's been a recent challenge?
Probably looking for internship opportunities in the city.
What specifically are you looking for?
I'd like to specialize in HIV surveillance—educating people on HIV awareness and also providing medical treatment for people who can't otherwise afford to treat themselves if they're HIV-positive. So just making that affordable for everyone who's living with that in the city.
Have you gotten any good advice lately?
I obviously have, I just haven't taken to any of it if I can't remember anything! [laughs]
My initial major was English literature, and I guess some wise advice would be to do something that will help me be of service and useful. So as much as I love literature, I think I'm now figuring out that I actually want to be active with what I do and help people.
Who have been your major inspirations?
My mom. I also have an awesome teacher. My sisters are both great—yeah I would say my two older sisters especially.
Anything recently sparked your interest? Current obsessions?
Actually, I've been kind of falling in love with New Order. Listening to their earlier music. Just YouTubing and downloading late 80s albums.
What are your favorite places to hang out in the Bay Area?
I like the Mission the most—Dolores Park is amazing, I really like Ritual Coffee if I want to splurge on $6 coffee. Golden Gate Park, too.
What inspires your personal style? You've got a great look going on here!
Well, these [pointing to shiny pleated pants] are my fat pants. They're my brunch pants. I literally chose these because they're elastic, and I was brunching today so I knew I wanted some kind of expansion. They're like my Hanes His Way female equivalent, that doesn't like quite so trashy.
Where did the rest of the outfit come from?
This jacket is from a really awesome place in the Mission. It's near 25th and Valencia. Same with my necklace. These pants are American Apparel from like three years ago.