
It really had been a perfect day. Image: Andrew Itaga/Unsplash.

I Was Shamed For My Budget Wedding, But I Have No Regrets

Some people think that the size and budget of your wedding reflect how much love you and your partner have for each other: The bigger the wedding, the bigger the love. On the other hand, my father likes to joke, “The bigger the wedding, the bigger the divorce.”


On Aging Gracefully... Sort Of

Wrinkles or lifelines? Chunky or curvaceous? The choice is yours.

Credit: Thinkstock

The Dangerous Dance Women Do With Numbers

Women are not only defined by percentages, averages, and statistics.


This Week in Hillary-World: The Stupid, The Sensational, The Sexist!

This week, pundits pondered Hillary's old age, gender and . . . connection to a Divergent movie villain?
