Catherine Gigante-Brown

Catherine Gigante-Brown


Catherine Gigante-Brown is a freelance writer of fiction, nonfiction and poetry. Her works have appeared in Time Out New York, Essence and Seventeen. She co-wrote two biographies for Prometheus Books and her short stories appear in fiction anthologies. Catherine’s first novel, The El, is available from Volossal Publishing. You can learn more about her on her website.

Catherine Gigante-Brown Articles

David with his taller friends

Little Wonder: Stupid Things People Say To Short People

Even when I explained to my son that he came from a long line of short people, it didn’t help. David still felt bad about being small. How could a five-year-old possibly get this type of size-shaming message? From other people, mostly insensitive adults. They gave him the idea that bigger was somehow better.


Fighting Cancer On My Terms

"I was afraid this thing was going to do me in. But I took a deep breath and decided very early on that I would face cancer on my own terms."

Public Cervix Announcement

The Wisdom of Annie Sprinkle: Sex and Body Positive Before It Was Cool

Re-imagining the cervix, preserving the earth, facing breast cancer a whole new way…Annie Sprinkle’s wisdom abounds. “Life is a performance art piece,” she said...

Alexa: Friend? Foe?

8 Ways Amazon Echo (AKA Alexa) Isn't All She's Cracked Up To Be

Alexa is like a nosy neighbor: She’s always listening. That’s how she can respond when you ask her to do something. So, when you’re getting busy on the kitchen counter — Alexa’s listening. When you’re telling Capital One the last four digits of your SSN — Alexa’s listening. And who knows who else is.


Cinderella’s Lament: A Woman In A House Of Testosterone

Alas, I am the lone female in a house full of men. Only two men, but they take up a lot of space.

The thought that a complete stranger would crochet something to make me feel beautiful — whole, like a woman again — moved me to tears.

A Stranger Knit Me A New Boob

It sounded too good to be true: comfortable, attractive bra inserts for breast cancer survivors like me. I got on the computer, checked out their website, and immediately put in for one.


My Father Never Said I Love You, But I'll Be Different

I realized my father was from a generation that never said those three little words. He was saying he loved me without them. But I didn't realize it then.


My Meds Make Me Fat—But They're Worth It

Being a little bit chubby is better than being a lot dead.

Khala with David, Marek, and Rosa

How A Pakistani Woman Changed My Views On Muslims

Although I tried to convince myself that I wasn't racist, if the truth were told, I didn't like Muslims. Especially after 9/11.


Visiting My In-Laws Is Like An Episode Of I Love Lucy

I try. I really do. But whenever I attempt to embrace my husband Peter’s Cuban culture, I always screw up.
