
I’m beginning to have mixed feelings about coloring my hair.

To Gray Or Not To Gray? On Hair Dye And Aging

There is a distinct moment in each woman’s life when gray hair and the associated reality of aging make its first unwelcome appearance.

Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

This Is What Perimenopause Feels Like (& Why We Need To Stop Being So Ashamed Of It)

Why are we so secretive about this normal part of aging? Read...
I’m turning 40 in April. I am mostly at peace with the looming milestone birthday, but every once in a while, the gravity of it all hits me.

How Music Is Helping Me Cope With Turning 40

I’m turning 40 in April. I am mostly at peace with the looming milestone birthday, but every once in a while, the gravity of it all hits me.

I have refused to let my age define how I am supposed to behave.

Life Begins At 50, And Age Doesn't Define Me

I have refused to let my age define how I am supposed to behave as a mother, as a chef, as a writer, and most importantly as a woman.

Can you partake in the beauty industry and still feel good about your self-worth?

Can You Enjoy The Beauty Industry Without Hating Yourself?​

Can you partake in the beauty industry — makeup, tutorials, magazines, and the oppressive standards they impose — and still feel good about your self-worth?

My mom helped me find the balancing point between caretaking and controlling because she insisted on her autonomy. “I don’t need your help in the shower,” she’d say, “and I can dress myself.”

The Summer My Mother's Progressive Arthritis Taught Me To Love And Let Go​

That summer became the fulcrum of a seesaw: as my children need me less, my mother needed me more. My mother's arthritis taught me to love and let go.

Obviously, now from my elder perch, I realize it’s best to not be judgy about beauty treatments.

Being Judgy About Beauty Treatments Was Just My Own Baggage

Obviously, now from my elder perch, I realize it’s best to withhold judgment, especially contempt for actions that bring personal joy at life stages you haven’t reached yet. (Though I’m still not married and get cranky that women are taking their husband’s last names more so than twenty years ago.)

Overall, women don’t want to be 22 again.

Men May Prefer Younger Women, But Women Don’t Give A Sh*t

When men’s dating preferences were observed, the age of women they expressed interest in never (never!) deviated from the early 20s.
