Annie Walton Doyle

Annie Walton Doyle


Annie Walton Doyle is a 22-year-old writer based in and around the UK. She typically writes about beauty and other "personal aesthetics," with a healthy dose of both social commentary and stupidity. When not touching makeup, she enjoys pubs, knitting, nature, and mysteries. Find more of her work at and

Annie Walton Doyle Articles

Blurred lips are perfectly imperfect. Here's how to copy this trend. (Image Credit: Instagram/mirrortwin)

Beauty How To: Blurred Lip Lines

Blurred lip lines make your mouth look plumper in a natural, non-Juvadermed way (pretty), plus makes it look like you’ve just been making out (further proof you are pretty — as if you needed it).

Benzoyl Peroxide (BP) has been there when nothing else worked. But boy did BP come with a price.

On My Complex Relationship With Benzoyl Peroxide

During such trying times, there is one trusty frenemy whose shadowy presence always sneaks back into my life. Benzoyl peroxide, I wish I knew how to quit you.

These steals will ensure your eyes look great without breaking the bank.

Total Steals: Drugstore Eye Products

I love spending money like a total asshole as much as the next woman. But sometimes, a cheap thrill is the most thrilling thrill of all.

One way to have fun with roots? GLITTER. (Image Credit: Annie Walton Doyle)

Like Everything In Life, Growing Out Your Roots Is More Fun With Glitter

Of all of the supposed beauty “problems” in the world, for me, roots are really the least “problematic.” In fact, I love mine dearly.

Yes, PMS is real. No, women are not just making it up.

Natural Remedies For PMS  

Yes, PMS is real. No, women are not just making it up. Here are a bunch of natural remedies, tips, and tricks to make PMS less miserable.

Let your lips do the talking, no words required.

Get Your Bitch Lips On

In life, there’s not much I love more than a good bitch. I’d take a mean, hilarious person over a “nice” bland-y any day of the week.

Remember how fun it was when makeup was just shine and glitter?

In Praise Of Teenager Makeup

Remember your first foray into the makeup world? Everything was more fun then. Colors were chosen in a magpie-like fashion.

For makeup lovers, perfumes that replicate the scent of lipsticks, powders, and blushes may be the trend of the year.

Makeup Perfume: The Fragrance Trend To Help You Smell Like Fave Beauty Products

Take your makeup love to its logical conclusion via a sensory attack on all fronts. Smelling like old ladies' handbags and young ladies' dressing tables and powder puffs and lipstick bullets has never been so easy as it is right now. It’s the scent family I call "makeup perfume."

So many good buys across the pond. (Image Credit: UnSplash)

UK Beauty Tourism For Everyone To Enjoy

Writing my piece on the wonderful, amazing, superlative yet disappointingly evasive Seventeen Stay Time Foundation got me thinking.

Keeping dyed blonde hair moisturized is a lot of work, friends. (Image Credit: Unsplash/Alex Suprun)

Masking: The Only Thing To Save My Colored Hair From Total Destruction

I think it’s safe to say that I’m coming to the end of my blond
