
Moms flying alone with kids need more support and less judgement.

5 Easy Ways To Help Moms Flying Alone With Kids

Next time you see moms flying alone with kids, try some of these tips. You might make someone's day.

I want to make the kids turn off their screens as I would in regular life back on the ground, but it seems like this is not the time to stick to rules or try for a parenting victory.

Screen Time Got My Family Through An 18-Hour Flight. I Regret Nothing.

Eighteen hours, even if prepared with reading and art material, snacks, and an upgrade to China Airline’s family couch seating, is still EIGHTEEN HOURS.

Best case scenario? A few hours of activity, then we all fall asleep comfortably. Worst case? Well, let's just say it involves blood splatter on those weird double-paned airplane window.

Actual picture of Hell

Airplane Seats Might Be Getting Less Awful

It doesn’t even get to the biggest question: when will airlines start offering complimentary cocktails at all price points?


Dedicated Cognac Fan Drinks ENTIRE BOTTLE Prior To Boarding Her Flight To Drunkentown

To be fair, it was $180 bottle of booze, and what are you going to do with $180 bottle of booze besides drink it?
