
Being cognitively aware on a surface level that your friends and coworkers experience rampant prejudice is different from having it directed at you.

What A 90-Year-Old Dementia Patient Taught Me About Privilege

Being cognitively aware on a surface level that your friends and coworkers experience rampant prejudice is different from having it directed at you.

A story of friendship.

How A Muslim Mom & A Christian Retired Teacher Found Friendship Amidst Bigotry

This story of two strangers at a park reminds us of the value in human kindness and friendship. Friendship amidst bigotry.

An as of yet unknown group has sent a disturbing racist postcard to residents warning of Asians “taking over” Edison. (Image: YouTube/ Zevo News)

Racist Postcard Targets 2 POC School Board Candidates

Some backward thinking people seem to think that being racist is the same as being Patriotic. A racist postcard was sent out targeting two board candidates.

In recent times, Jews can again find their culture and identities being buried.

We Need To Talk About The Left's Antisemitism

Jews are again faced with the stark reality that antisemitism is alive and well within the United States.

We need to recognize that there is suffering everywhere, that suffering is relative, that people are mostly good, that they are mostly trying their best.

Was A Vote For Trump Automatically Malicious? 

There is anger today. It is visceral. It’s on Facebook. It’s on Twitter. It’s in the streets of the cities of America.

"The vibrant capital has thrived socially and economically because of multiculturalism." Image: Pexels

Post-Brexit London Has Been Scary. Here's Why I Still Feel Hope.

Two weeks after the UK voted out of the European Union, the dust has not yet settled. With the PM quitting, the Sterling dropping, and no apparent Brexit-plan — the aftermath has left many feeling uncertain. In a tense climate of racial commentary and unprecedented abuse, Brexit, thus far, has not been favourable.

Um, yuck.

Take The Cake: 'This American Life' Is Really Bad At Talking About Fat

Though there was useful commentary, deeply personal stories, and some incisive observations, my problem with the episode is that it ultimately repeats a harmful framework:
Fat people (nearly all women) were on trial and up for observation (their privacy already considered non-existent) — not the fatphobic bias that had so clearly shaped their lives.

Trans and queer Latinx social movement leaders respond to the massacre. Image: Familia: Trans Queer Liberation Movement.

In The Wake Of The Pulse Killings, These People Deserve To Be Heard

Familia: Trans Queer Liberation Movement invites viewers to listen to trans and queer Latinx social movement leaders respond to the massacre­, reflect on the communities targeted and analyze how the massacre stems from homegrown social ills in the United States.
