donald trump

Maybe Moore is just joking. (Image Credit: David Shankbone via Wikimedia Commons)

Michael Moore Thinks Donald Trump Will Win. It Might Be Time To Freak OUT. 

So Michael Moore is known as a provocateur.


#NastyWoman Update: Ladies Don't Need To Be Told Anything, Thank You Very Much

“Sometimes a lady has to be told when she’s being nasty.”

"Venting to my partner, to the universe, to friends, at my computer, into the phone, toward the kitchen sink full of dishes — you name it, I had vented about the current political season and campaign rhetoric multiple times… a day. I wanted to wonder where this outburst had come, from but I didn’t have to search far."

What The 2016 Election Has Taught Me About Parenting 

While it is important to me to teach my children why I vote and have the political leanings I do, it is equally important to me that my children are critical thinkers who can decide their own political leanings when they are adults.

The president needs to be a person who cares so much about the country that he or she wants to help make it the best place it can be.

How To Talk To Your Kids About The 2016 Presidential Election

We need to rethink government and politics, and perhaps the best way to do it is to visualize it the way we would explain it to our kids.

"Venting to my partner, to the universe, to friends, at my computer, into the phone, toward the kitchen sink full of dishes — you name it, I had vented about the current political season and campaign rhetoric multiple times… a day. I wanted to wonder where this outburst had come, from but I didn’t have to search far."

What The 2016 Election Has Taught Me About Parenting 

While it is important to me to teach my children why I vote and have the political leanings I do, it is equally important to me that my children are critical thinkers who can decide their own political leanings when they are adults.

The president needs to be a person who cares so much about the country that he or she wants to help make it the best place it can be.

How To Talk To Your Kids About The 2016 Presidential Election

We need to rethink government and politics, and perhaps the best way to do it is to visualize it the way we would explain it to our kids.

#nastywomen becomes a battle cry. (Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons)

Trump Attempts To Insult, #nastywomen Everywhere Drop Mic On Him

ICYMI, towards the close of last night’s final (handclap for that) presidential debate, Donald Trump lobbed an insult Clinton’s way.

True compassion isn’t borne out pity, it’s borne out of a genuine desire to empower individuals, societies, to achieve their highest potential, their peace.

How To Survive This Election When You Disagree With People You Love

We are 17 days from the election. There is no amount of Facebook unfriending that is going to make you not related to your Fox-News-addicted Uncle Jeff. Your father will still be your father, whether he votes for Donald Trump or Santa Claus. In the zen tradition, I have a long way to go but if I make it until November 9th, I’m golden. Here’s my plan — but you might not like it.
