Jess Lahitou

Jess Lahitou


Jess is a literature lover, former teacher, new(ish) mother, and politics junkie. Currently in Miami, this Colorado native is embracing the culture shock. Art Basel? Wynwood? Ropa Vieja? Yes, please.

Jess Lahitou Articles

Quick Recap: The Republican Debate Without Trump

Last night, Fox News hosted the final Republican debate before Iowa caucus goers cast their votes on Monday. Donald Trump, refusing to participate if Megyn Kelly was debate moderator, skipped the event. He instead held his own rally across town, scheduling his speech to coincide with the start of the Fox debate.

image courtesy: Leslie Jones' Twitter

For Your Gold-Medal Consideration: Leslie Jones And Her Twitter

What’s the greatest achievement of the Rio Olympics? Is it the success of Latin America’s first host nation, Brazil? Is it the extraordinary feats of the US Women’s gymnastics team? Is it the spellbinding brilliance of Usain Bolt’s superhuman speed? Or is it perhaps the Twitter feed of Leslie Jones?

Maybe it's not sexy or trendy, but foreign policy has life or death consequences for people all over the world. (Image Credit: Shaker Bison)

This Is Why Foreign Policy Matters

That’s what Syria is — our morally bankrupt foreign policy, impossible to escape, impossible to fix.

(Image Credit: By TechCrunch via Wikimedia Commons)

John Oliver's Non-Tribute To 2016 = Post-Election Catharsis

If you're one of the seven people in the universe who foresaw Donald Trump's victory and were prepared for the events that went down — can it be ju

A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

I Protested Donald Trump By Myself (With A Baby) 

I should begin by clarifying that I am no political reactionary.


WTF Was Starbucks Thinking When They OK’d 2015’s #RedCup?

A tradition dating back to 1997, starting each November 1st, Starbucks introduces their holiday cup. So after 10 long months of waiting, forgive me for experiencing childlike letdown over this year’s Red Cup.

The nightmare that is Aleppo defies description. (Image Credit: Freedom House via Flickr)

How To Help Syria

With Twitter awash in letters of goodbyes, 140-word final messages from “collateral damage,” my heart broke last night. That doesn’t mean anything, and neither does this: I want to say I’m sorry to Syria.

Thanksgivng: a good day. (Image Credit: Unsplash)

Take A Politics Time-Out, And Other Thanksgiving Pro Tips

That headline is a bit of false advertising, as I am in not quite qualified to proclaim myself a “Thanksgiving Pro.”

Change demands more than just protests.

How To Start A Revolution: Think Small

If I’m just online screaming, what am I not doing in physical reality?
