Jess Lahitou
Jess Lahitou Articles
The blatant promise of a career in the spotlight has stripped the Bachelor/Bachelorette of its beautiful, benign lie: that we could watch “regular” people navigate the perils and pitfalls of modern dating, that such a quest was in and of itself enough, and that a happy ending was a real possibility.
Read...So I don’t approve, in general, of how my generation tends to come at things, with the focus on: me, my experience, my
Read...Both Clinton and Trump should be more forthcoming about their physical health, but the controversy surrounding Clinton's fitness for office looks largely media-driven.
Read...As part of our election coverage, we endeavor to give all relevant parties a voice. As such, we felt one key player had been overlooked in the ubiquitous media Trump coverage: Donald Trump’s Hair.
Read...Throughout this long and increasingly nightmarish primary season, an argument emerged from Republican candidates who were routinely getting their butts handed to them by Donald Trump.
Read...I am hesitant to write anything that might tangentially help Donald Trump, because I think the man entirely unfit to be president.
Read...Dear Mr. Morgan,
Read...To her own admitted surprise, Fessler discovered that meaningless, detached hookups were emphatically not bringing any kind of bliss to college women.
Read...When Americans pick a president, they are looking for someone who is right for the moment. A person who speaks for the time, who is equipped to react and respond accordingly.
Read...Rejoicing or weeping will depend on who you are, but let’s look at what happened either way.