Jess Lahitou

Jess Lahitou


Jess is a literature lover, former teacher, new(ish) mother, and politics junkie. Currently in Miami, this Colorado native is embracing the culture shock. Art Basel? Wynwood? Ropa Vieja? Yes, please.

Jess Lahitou Articles

New Hampshire Elects Sanders And Trump: To Rejoice Or Weep?

Rejoicing or weeping will depend on who you are, but let’s look at what happened either way.


A tale of two really solid VP candidates (Image Credit: Gage Skidmore via Wikimedia Commons, and United States Senate -, Public Domain

Did Kaine Or Pence Win The #VPDebate? They Both Did. 

Tim Kaine and Mike Pence both showed themselves superior to their presidential ticket counterparts. Ouch.

Image Credit: Brett Weinstein / Flickr

Not A Great Day for Clinton: Wikileaks And Emails Strike Again

I am hesitant to write anything that might tangentially help Donald Trump, because I think the man entirely unfit to be president.


Did Ted Cruz Or Did Teddy Croo-oo-oos Win The Republican Debate?

There were two stories that emerged from last night’s Republican debate: 1. The matchup between Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, arguing over immigration policy and foreign policy (Cruz: no amnesty, build a wall, bomb ISIS while somehow not harming innocents. Rubio: eventual legalization of illegal immigrants, strengthen borders, work with Arab partners to defeat ISIS, more troops).

If you don't know what this is, we can't help you.

Recap Of The GOP Debate: High School Yearbook Style

Most Likely To Succeed: Carly Fiorina. One word: Yowza! On top of being the only candidate to move up from Fox’s conciliation debate to CNN’s main stage, Carly Fiorina kicked absolute butt. She went after Donald Trump, Chris Christie, every prominent Democrat, not to mention political pandering to women. Pundits agree: Fiorina won it.

Hillary Clinton in 2015. Image: Wikipedia.

Top 5 Political Happenings To Watch For In 2016

The year ahead promises to be a whopper of political intrigue, events, and (probably) scandal. Here are the top stories to watch as we head into the hype that comes but once every four years: A presidential election.

As the New York Times’ just-happened interview with Trump shows, the guy remains ever unable to give a simple, on-point answer.

Trump's NYT Interview: Twitter Cannot Even With Trump's Hot Mess Of Answers

Trump’s ability to kick it with top-notch op-ed crews is just nonexistent. As the New York Times’ interview with Trump shows, the man remains ever unable to give a simple, on-point answer. And Twitter's had a hey-day with his responses.


Quick Recap: The Republican Debate Without Trump

Last night, Fox News hosted the final Republican debate before Iowa caucus goers cast their votes on Monday. Donald Trump, refusing to participate if Megyn Kelly was debate moderator, skipped the event. He instead held his own rally across town, scheduling his speech to coincide with the start of the Fox debate.

Claire Hopple and husband, American Gothic version.

#RavsWriters: Claire Hopple —Writer, Dancer, Obscure Mural Lover

Welcome to #RavsWriters, an opportunity for you to get to know some of the outstanding human beings who fervently type to make Ravishly the aw

Sinking to new lows as POTUS. (Image Credit: Flickr/Gage Skidmore)

Donald Trump's Speech To Joint Session Of Congress: A New Level Of Egomaniac Emerges, Hidden Under Rapturous Applause

This is the first time I’ve seen a sitting president “spin” a clear military defeat to save his own ego, and use a bereft and heartbroken wife in order to get away with it. Disgust is not the right word. Horror, maybe. Disbelief and revulsion crashing into each other.
