Jess Lahitou

Jess Lahitou


Jess is a literature lover, former teacher, new(ish) mother, and politics junkie. Currently in Miami, this Colorado native is embracing the culture shock. Art Basel? Wynwood? Ropa Vieja? Yes, please.

Jess Lahitou Articles

Recap: Super Tuesday Was Not So Super

Good morning, America. Guess what happened yesterday? Donald Trump won six states in the primary, which puts him on the strongest path to the Republican nomination yet.

Who would you nominate?

Embarrassing! Guess Which Women Republicans Want To Put On The 10-Dollar Bill?

During last Wednesday night’s CNN Republican Presidential Debate, moderator Jake Tapper gave the ultimate softball question: What woman would you put on the ten-dollar bill? Instead, answers ranged from decent to head-scratching to laughable to flat-out embarrassing.

Change demands more than just protests.

How To Start A Revolution: Think Small

If I’m just online screaming, what am I not doing in physical reality?

Image Credit: Brett Weinstein / Flickr

Not A Great Day for Clinton: Wikileaks And Emails Strike Again

I am hesitant to write anything that might tangentially help Donald Trump, because I think the man entirely unfit to be president.

Hi, this is Jess here, and I hope these recommends make your February warmer, more interesting, and more delicious. (Image Credit: Instagram/youngertv)

#RavsRecs: Jess Sets You Up For A Fabulous February

Welcome To #RavsRecs, a look inside the lives (and minds) of your Ravishly staffers, with a list of things that are probably unnecessary but definitely awesome.

Serve: baby does something. Return: you react in kind. (Image: Thinkstock)

The Most Important Thing Dads Can Do for Baby: Serve and Return

I’m not one for overstatement; the research here is rock solid. And while “serve and return” is borrowed lingo from tennis (hopeful we have some fellow Del Potro fans in the house), the practice has nothing at all to do with sports.

When it comes to babies, “serve and return” refers to meaningful, face-to-face interaction with the little one. The sort of conversation where you’re not just talking at baby, but watching his reactions, and responding in kind.

The nightmare that is Aleppo defies description. (Image Credit: Freedom House via Flickr)

How To Help Syria

With Twitter awash in letters of goodbyes, 140-word final messages from “collateral damage,” my heart broke last night. That doesn’t mean anything, and neither does this: I want to say I’m sorry to Syria.

Hillary’s “inevitable” status is not yet guaranteed.

5 Ways Hillary Could Win Over Bernie Supporters

The best way of bringing in Sanders supporters is not to berate them into party loyalty, but to steal them away.

A tale of two really solid VP candidates (Image Credit: Gage Skidmore via Wikimedia Commons, and United States Senate -, Public Domain

Did Kaine Or Pence Win The #VPDebate? They Both Did. 

Tim Kaine and Mike Pence both showed themselves superior to their presidential ticket counterparts. Ouch.

Given their unfair and potentially exploitative access to the personal life details of millions of voters, in an ideal world, social media tycoons wouldn’t run at all. (Image Credit: Instagram/@zuck)

Is The Next President Coming Out Of Silicon Valley?

Americans deserve to vote without being unwittingly “nudged,” “tweaked,” or otherwise manipulated by those with the most power and most incentive to do so. Ergo, any candidate from Silicon Valley needs to be treated with an excess of skepticism.
