
Teen Poses As OB/GYN—For A MONTH

Sometimes, sex-ed just isn't enough.

Credit: ThinkStock

Florida Gubernatorial Debate Literally Derailed By Tiny Electric Fan: The Best Of FanGate

This. Happened. Who said politics was boring?


Dear Florida: Rape is Perpetuated by Rapists, Not Pot Cookies

The 'No On 2' anti-medical marijuana campaign would be hilarious in its absurdity . . . were it not also deeply offensive and counterproductive.


Watch: The Surprising Way Stingrays Give Birth

Oh, you haven't seen a stingray give birth before? Now's your chance to change that.


Stephanie: Bicycle Peddler, Seuss Devotee

Spotted: in Oakland, CA
Occupation: Bike sales at Mission Bicycle Company in San Francisco and babysitter


Strip Yoga: What Not to do When You Have a Car Full of Heroin

In today's not-so-sexy news, we have a woman getting arrested during some pant-less—and public!—sun salutations.


Let's Take a Look at the East Coast’s Lone Bomb Testing Site

One navy bomb site in the middle of forested Florida takes a licking and keeps on ticking.


Missouri's Sordid Lethal Injection Battle (And More Disturbing Facts about the Death Penalty)

The riveting case of Russell Bucklew is shedding new light on how very bizarre (and disturbing) capital punishment can be.
