
Life Aboard a Nuclear Submarine: Ke$ha, Hashtags and Other Hijinks

Sub life is all about rules. Luckily, those rules can be hilarious.


Toddler Down! Watch a Dancing Mom Booty Bump her Daughter

Here's what happens when a little afternoon delight dancing goes awry.


Eww/Awesome! Watch a Possibly-Insane Insect Endlessly Turn a Popcorn Kernel

This clip may reveal the tortured side of six-legged creatures.


Prancing Llama + DMX Song = Most Perfect Vine Ever

Take a minute out of your day to gander, gape and grin at this strange and wonderful video-music combo with the world's most adorably odd creature—the llama!


Have Trouble Walking in Heels? Rebrand Your Awkward Strides as Chic Trends!

Comedian Akilah Hughes sums up five hot trends for moving in heels . . . granted one of them consists of actually just sitting and taking the contraptions off.


Feel Boob-Sagging Old Right Now: Watch These Kids React to Antiquated Walkmans

How cool were you, chilling with your Walkman on the bus back in the day? So. Damn. Awesome. Alas, technology improves too quickly for us to share our finer moments of fleeting youth...with today's youth.


True Detective-Inspired Advice For Children

This True Detective AT&T mash-up might not inspire as many phone contracts, but it could instill a sense of introspection in today’s youth.


Drake's Goes Undercover on 'Jimmy Kimmel Live' to See What People Think of Him

Watch Drake don a beard and question unsuspecting pedestrians about himself...from peeing in a Baby Gap to crying after an awards show, it seems the public doesn't think too much of him.
