Sarah Gladstone

Sarah Gladstone


Writer, reader, general fan of all forms of honest storytelling. Optimistic realist, packaged like a pessimist. Strong believer in real world magic, intersectionality, and exploring gender and stories of mixed race identity. Supporter of public libraries, breakfast for dinner, and denim-on-denim. 

Sarah Gladstone Articles

Babies: Adorable Mischief Makers! New Theory On Why Babies Cry At Night

A new study is questioning why babies cry all night and generally exhaust their parents... and no it's not because they're hungry, wet, lonely or scared. It's way more calculated—we're talking Stewie-style world domination.


Dear Disney, We Demand a Plus-Sized Princess

Kids see it, we see it, the American people see it: Disney princesses perpetuate an unrealistic portrayal of the female body.

Credit: The Hohmann Lab

Oh Shit! How Frozen Poop Pills Could Save Your Life

Sure, poop capsules sound gross—but they could represent a significant medical industry breakthrough.


A Love Letter From Me To Men On The Street

Please stop referring to me as being “alone” when I am clearly walking in a group, simply because I am not attached to a man.


I'm Always Late, And It Makes Me A Liar

For the sake of all that is sacred, I will henceforth become a dependable person. Or at least I will try.


GOP, If You Want The Millennial Vote, this Is Not The Way to Get it

Hey GOP, you can't capture millennial votes with silly stereotypes. You'll have to be more creative than that.


A Retiree Renaissance? The Elderly Set Gets Busy

In our youth-obsessed society, the elderly are nearly invisible, hovering near the edges of existence.


Lupita Nyong'o! Let Us Count the Ways! (Be Our Best Friend)

Looking for a new bestie with an “in” with the Academy?


Why We Think We're Better at Things Than We Actually Are

Welcome to the self-deluded world of illusory superiority.
