Sarah Gladstone

Sarah Gladstone


Writer, reader, general fan of all forms of honest storytelling. Optimistic realist, packaged like a pessimist. Strong believer in real world magic, intersectionality, and exploring gender and stories of mixed race identity. Supporter of public libraries, breakfast for dinner, and denim-on-denim. 

Sarah Gladstone Articles

Lupita Nyong'o Is Lancôme's Newest Ambassador and No, It's Not Because She's Black 

Lupita Nyong'o is “challenging” traditional ideas of beauty—but it's not because she's brown.


The Great and Powerful Tube: Is T.V. Helping America Conquer Racism?

We’ve come a long way since the duo-chromatic days of black and white TV.


Glamour Magazine Names Lupita Nyong'o "Woman Of The Year," Beauty And Race Collide (Again)

The acknowledgment of Lupita’s elegance begins a process to alleviate any future need to add "for a . . . " to the end of “You’re beautiful.”


GOP, If You Want The Millennial Vote, this Is Not The Way to Get it

Hey GOP, you can't capture millennial votes with silly stereotypes. You'll have to be more creative than that.


Keep that Smartphone Away from Your Brain (and Other Useful Body Parts)

If there’s even a chance that smartphones are connected to cancer why the fuck do we keep using them?


Why We Think We're Better at Things Than We Actually Are

Welcome to the self-deluded world of illusory superiority.


Gross, but Cool: Your Race Determines What Your Earwax Smells Like

All people may be created equal, but our earwax is not.


I'm Always Late, And It Makes Me A Liar

For the sake of all that is sacred, I will henceforth become a dependable person. Or at least I will try.


Regular Human Models: The Next Thing in Fashion?

The 21st century is a full blown teenager now.
