the good men project

Decency has brought you here. It has brought us here. That narrative must change.

We Need Decent Men To Step Up And Be Good

It is the decent men who have failed us.

To forgive really is divine — for both genders.

The Gender Divide Of Forgiveness

This article originally appeared on The Good Men

I was angry and felt defeated. I also knew deep in my heart that this would have never happened if I were white. Image: Thinkstock.

Using Uber While Black

I was angry and felt defeated. I also knew deep in my heart that this would have never happened if I were white. I had been using Uber for over 2 1/2 years and never came across anything similar to this.

A look at what your magazines would say if Bill Clinton received the Michelle Obama treatment.

10 Remixed Misogynist Headlines For First Gentleman Bill Clinton

A look at what your magazines would say if Bill Clinton received the Michelle Obama treatment.

He makes it nearly impossible to not acknowledge American hypocrisy. Image: The Good Men Project.

Contradictions In The United States Of Amnesia: Why A Black Man Can Love Donald Drumpf

The danger of submitting to the false patriotic tranquility of the United States of Amnesia is Donald Drumpf. He reminds us that the United States of Amnesia is one of the most peacefully violent countries in existence, not only politically, but economically, socially, psychologically, and spiritually.

Credit: Thinkstock

"Get A Room!": Ditch The Marriage Therapy And Shack Up Together

The best relationship advice you may ever get? Book a hotel room, stay up late, and play backgammon naked.
