raising kids

Photo by LJ Lara on Unsplash

Parents Over-Share Online Because They’re Lonely

We’re always hardest on people who give into our own worst impulses, and I see my own shadow in those parents. I’m an over-sharer too.

5. Are you taking care of yourself?

Frequently Asked Questions About My Neurodivergent Kid That Shouldn't Be Asked So Frequently

Every time I complain about the difficulty of parenting, whether the child is neurodivergent or absolutely 100% neurotypical, someone drops in my mentions to tell me either A. Children are a blessed gift from heaven that should never be taken for granted or (even less helpful) B. UR DOING IT WRONG.

The struggle of having one straggler left at home is real, and I’m starting to wonder if it will ever get better.

The Straggler Struggle Is Real

This straggler struggle is weighing on me! That is, the struggle of having one straggler child left at home, and I’m wondering if it will ever get better.

Would I relive the entirety of her year as a three-year-old just to revisit all that divine curiosity, joy, and chaos that I know I’ll always miss? Hell no. That’s a hard no.

Why Is Nobody Talking About The Horrifyingly Terrible Threes?

Whoever is responsible for coining the term “terrible twos” and leaving the entirety of the threes out of the equation is sitting at the very top of my sh*t list. Because a little warning would’ve been nice.

Teaching your children the value of all cultures instead of just your culture will help them to include those who have different backgrounds.

5 Ways To Raise Inclusive Kids

One way to combat negative outcomes post-election is to raise more inclusive children.


The PRICELESS Thing Parents Must Do To Raise Smart, Creative Kids

What if I told you that you could teach your kids about fine arts, take them on wild adventures and greatly increase their odds of academic success all from the comforts of your living room? Would you believe me?
