Sandy Jorgenson

Sandy Jorgenson


Writer by day and snack-eater by night, Sandy Jorgenson is a badass and brave mother to one fierce and beauty-filled girl. Find Sandy at writing about her experience with motherhood, pregnancy loss, secondary infertility and body image, or find her in the water somewhere trying desperately to morph into the mermaid she so badly wants to be.

Sandy Jorgenson Articles

It’s been ten years, and I’m still reckoning with his death

Reckoning With Grief In The Wake Of A Suicide

Death, we know because it’s drilled into us from an early age, is a natural part of life.

Be there for your friend, but be very careful what you say.

6 Things You Should Never Say To A Mother After A Miscarriage

Whether this is news to you, seemingly irrelevant to you, or deeply personal to your experience, this truth remains that statistically speaking, one in every four pregnancies will end in miscarriage. Some of you are vaguely familiar with this, many of you have suffered this loss yourselves, and the likelihood is high that almost all of you know someone who’s lost a child in utero, whether or not they’ve ever spoken publicl about it.

For the first year of my daughter’s life, while the fog of depression had enveloped me, I was positive I was alone. (Image:Thinkstock)

No Mother Is An Island: Surviving Postpartum Depression 

My daughter was just reaching her first birthday before the dense fog of postpartum depression started to lift off of me. I didn’t realize it right away, though – and I certainly hadn’t even realized I was suffering from PPD at all.

Owning your choices as a parent rocks (Image Credit: Unplash / London Scout)

Opting Out Of Pre-K: Totally Okay

You'll have to excuse me while I sit myself down for one stern-ass pep talk about the importance of trusting my gut, having the courage of my convictions, and marching bodly ahead in my resove to absorb every last minute I get with my growing girl, knowing that never again will these days be upon me.

Image courtesy of the author.

That Time I Found A Tumor On My Baby

The night I discovered that tumor on her back was essentially just like any other.

Giving yourself grace as you get older - that's the key to the "graceful" part of aging. (Image Credit: Unsplash/Marivi Pazos)

Learning To Age With Grace

Sitting now on the cusp of my 35th birthday, I find myself taking stock of my life thus far, shoving my youth under a microscope while I ask myself this one thing: Am I careening full-tilt toward my final days on this earth, or am I only just getting started here?

image credit: London Scout via Unsplash

Parenthood And The Passage Of Time

But what can be said for the day upon which I am no longer enough? I dread that day.

For every deluge of garbage you find yourself buried under, know that this too shall pass, that no singular issue has the power to take you down, and that you will conquer each beast in time.

Life Is Hard Work. So If You Want To Eat Cake, Just Do It.

Life is hard work, and I think we all know this with varying degrees of certainty. It’s grueling, it’s relentless, it’s at times unforgiving, and it is always a damn hustle. So if you want a piece of coffee cake, get that cake, girl.
