Lindsay King-Miller
Lindsay King-Miller Articles
While it might seem frivolous to those who feel right at home in the titles "mom" or "dad," many queer parents agonize over what they want their children to call them.
Read...The fact is that trans-exclusionary feminists and misogynists are, despite some trivial differences, basically on the same side.
Read...Your period is a time for many things: comfort eating, getting into arguments for reasons you can't reconstruct…but it’s also a time to express yourself.
Read...For queer parents like me, meanwhile — although I know that my whiteness and my class affords me a degree of protection from scrutiny and interference — the threat of being deemed an illegitimate parent also serves to silence any discussion of mixed feelings.
Read...I keep waiting for the wane of the “gender reveal party,” one of the most widely-disparaged-on-social-media parenting trends.
Read...I am a compulsive memorizer. I am terrified of making a mistake, ever. But I'm learning to let go of my perfectionism.
Read...I never want my child to doubt herself the way I do myself. I never want her to feel the anxieties that weigh me down, though I know she already senses it.
Read...Someone I have never met donated a large sum of money, for no other reason than they felt it was the right thing to do, to help my family feel safe.
Read...We’re always hardest on people who give into our own worst impulses, and I see my own shadow in those parents. I’m an over-sharer too.
Read...People talk about skin care like it’s fun — a way to relax. But for me, the very idea opens onto a black hole of self-loathing.