
Credit: Drunk J.Crew

Drunk J.Crew Tumblr Is Nailing It

Turns out, dead-serious photos plus inebriated lines make for a good time—and an incisive point about fashion industry standards.

Credit: ThinkStock

Fighting Back Against The Misogynistic Gaming Community Does Not Make Me A 'Social Justice Warrior'

This implies there are rules. And when it comes to GamerGate, there are no rules.

Credit: ThinkStock

Open Letter To Time Warner Cable And Other Companies That Think Women Aren't Tech Savvy

Dear Time Warner: I’m writing this letter because your marketing department is run by men who believe they are modern Don Drapers.

Credit: ThinkStock

An Insider's Look At The Strangely Sexist World Of Waitressing

A new report reveals that 80% of women in the restaurant industry have been sexually harassed. As a former waitress, this comes as no surprise.

Credit: Equal Payback Project

Watch: Sarah Silverman Combats The Wage Gap In A Very NSFW Way

Sarah Silverman is trying to raise $30 trillion to fight the wage gap . . . with the most penises you'll ever see on YouTube.

Jenna Jameson, you are better than this show. (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)

Surprise! VH1’s Couples Therapy Provides A Crash Course In Gender Stereotyping

This reality TV juggernaut loves itself some gender conventions (and lame drama). Why are people still watching?

Tom and Jerry character Toodles Galore (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)

Tom & Jerry Wasn't Just Racist, It Was Sexist Too

Cartoon programs aimed at kids have a long history of sexism and racism. And in many ways, those charming isms are alive and well today.

Yelena Serova's not having it. We shouldn't, either. (Credit: YouTube)

Female Cosmonaut Is, Of Course, Asked About Her Makeup And Hair

Journalists should all take a cue from Yelena Serova, the astronaut who recently fired back against misogyny at a press conference.
