
Photo: Joanna Valente

A Look At Joanna Valente's #Survivor

Ravishly is thrilled to offer a peek at Joanna Valente's forthcoming book #Survivor. Read...
 I will teach my daughters that they have control of their body. They have a voice.

#MeToo Parenting: Raising Girls To Always Speak Up & Never Minimize

Metoo parenting is teaching my daughters that they have control of their body. They have a voice. There are now real consequences for those who abuse power.

Photo by Claudia Soraya on Unsplash

Inglorious Touch 

Pulling the plug on the numbing forces you to look at your past, dealing with the knives you’ve been carting around which are now being thrown.

I need to know how to express anger after sexual abuse. (Artwork: Tess Emily Rodriguez)

Ask Erin: I Need Help Expressing Anger After Sexual Abuse

I am unable to physically show any signs of anger — I’m too scared, too well-trained not to. I need to know how to express anger after sexual abuse.

Sadly, I know I'm not the only one who was hurt by Logan Paul's video.

Why Logan Paul's Suicide Victim Video Hurts People Like Me

Sadly, I know I'm not the only one who was hurt by Logan Paul's video. I know because it's a hurt shared by so many survivors of suicide.

I am taking accountability and making this ugliness public so that others struggling with their own misogyny might recognize themselves and take steps to heal, too.

Me, Too: Confronting My Own Misogyny 

Me, Too: confronting my own misogyny. Change can’t come from a social media campaign alone, but from constant personal diligence by us all.

No one wants to admit to being raped.

People Die Because Of Harvey Weinstein. Enough Is Enough.

Not all rapists look or act like rapists. Some of the men who abused me are considered “nice people.”

Instead of "Me, too" why don't we say, "I believe you"?

The "Me, Too" Viral Status Is Important, But Let's Talk About Something Else

It’s painful enough to have to revisit your abuse every time a new viral movement takes hold. What if, instead of “Me, too” we said, “I believe you?
