Talking about sex may make you uncomfortable, but so would having children who grow up in ignorance and fear.
Read...“Seriously? You’re not going to be my friend over this?” And just like that, it was over. I had lost a friend who I had come to value greatly.
Read...Moms! Your kids will remember SOME things this holiday break, but if you don’t make eight dozen Pinterest-worthy cookies, they will not hold it against you.
Read...Wondering how to talk to your kids about consent? It's not hard as you’d think — the conversation changes over the years, but it’s all the same framework.
Read...Dear Oldest Son, Life these days is all about dividing and conquering. I feel more and more like I’m dividing and conquering so many things.
Read...When I take a sip of this sweet elixir, I come alive and can go about my day with my head screwed on straight. Coffee is my hero and my first love.
Read...I tell my small children the truth about where babies come from because it is a natural biological function that has been shrouded in shame and control for too long.
Read...What does it teach my kids if I let my kids do stuff that hurts me? Consent doesn’t just look like an absence of “no.” It looks like an enthusiastic “yes.”